Mr. Gum and the Power Crystals

44.37 €
Неужели это правда, что на город Ламоник Биббер наложено древнее проклятие? И вы уже догадались, что старый добрый мистер Гам и его верный закадычный друг Билли Уильям Третий имеют к этому какое-то отношение. Но … наши любимые герои Полли и Пятница и пряничный бисквит Алан Тейлор (ростом всего 15,24 см) полны решимости спасти город (вздох облегчения).
"Мистер Гам и кристаллы силы" - четвертая книга из серии международных бестселлеров Энди Стэнтона.
Книга на английском языке.
Shabba me whiskers! It's a bold new look for Mr Gum, the best-selling cult classic, ready for a new generation of nibbleheads.
Can it really be true that there’s an ancient curse on the town of Lamonic Bibber? And you guessed it, that old roo-de-lally Mr Gum and his trusty sidekick Billy William the Third have something to do with it. But … our favourite heroes Polly and Friday and the gingerbread biscuit Alan Taylor (only 15.24 cm tall) are determined to save the town (sigh of relief).
Mr Gum and the Power Crystals is the fourth book in the internationally best-selling series by Andy Stanton, which has won everything from the Blue Peter Book Award (twice) to the Roald Dahl Funny Prize and the Red House Children’s Book Award.
"Мистер Гам и кристаллы силы" - четвертая книга из серии международных бестселлеров Энди Стэнтона.
Книга на английском языке.
Shabba me whiskers! It's a bold new look for Mr Gum, the best-selling cult classic, ready for a new generation of nibbleheads.
Can it really be true that there’s an ancient curse on the town of Lamonic Bibber? And you guessed it, that old roo-de-lally Mr Gum and his trusty sidekick Billy William the Third have something to do with it. But … our favourite heroes Polly and Friday and the gingerbread biscuit Alan Taylor (only 15.24 cm tall) are determined to save the town (sigh of relief).
Mr Gum and the Power Crystals is the fourth book in the internationally best-selling series by Andy Stanton, which has won everything from the Blue Peter Book Award (twice) to the Roald Dahl Funny Prize and the Red House Children’s Book Award.